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Charlotte M.

Charlotte's Courage: Fighting Cancer with Heart

Charlotte was diagnosed with pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia on December 30, 2020 at just 15 months old. Our world turned upside down in an instant. The initial weeks were a whirlwind of shock, heartbreak, and overwhelming emotions. As parents, we felt lost and helpless, facing the unimaginable.

Studer Family Children’s Hospital became our sanctuary during this difficult journey. “We are so grateful for their help and support,” says her mom, Jordan McKinney. “The nurses in the oncology wing, floor, and infusion center have made a difficult season brighter. They always try to make the experience better.”

In 2022, Charlotte was admitted to the hospital over Mother’s Day weekend. “It was so disappointing to spend the holiday stuck in the hospital,” Jordan recalls. “But her oncologist, who is also a mother, brought me a sweet handwritten card, a flower, and a cupcake to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. This lovely gesture brightened our day and showed me that she saw me not just as a patient's parent, but as another mother.”

Some truly loving and remarkable people work behind the doors of Studer Family Children’s Hospital. One small but significant gesture her nurses do on treatment days is have chocolate teddy grahams ready for Charlotte. “She looks forward to her special snacks and the nice women she considers friends,” Jordan shares.

Jordan advises other parents with a child in the hospital, “Take moments of joy where you can find them, and just keep moving forward.”