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Charlotte M.

Charlotte’s ‘One’derful Life

On November 9, 2022, Adrienne and Trip Maygarden’s world shifted when their two-year-old daughter, Charlotte, suddenly developed a high fever. Concerned for their precious girl, they rushed to Studer Family Children’s Hospital, fearing a respiratory illness, only to discover she had Type 1 Diabetes.

The pediatric resident on duty, who herself lives with Type 1 diabetes, offered more than medical expertise—she shared empathy and hope. Her insight into the condition and optimism regarding treatment options lifted Adrienne and Trip's spirits during a challenging moment as parents.

Currently, Charlotte is under the constant care of three incredible individuals at Studer Families Children’s Hospital: Dr. Drawdy, Lisa Wright, and Nikki Bloodworth. These dedicated caregivers provide Charlotte's parents with grace, compassion, and unwavering support, always ready to answer any questions, no matter how big or small.

Now at the age of 4, Charlotte is a ray of life with the most infectious laugh! She enjoys asserting her young authority in style, often adorned in princess dresses and stylish shoes. Understanding that her condition is her superpower, she confronts diabetes with remarkable strength despite her young age.

Reflecting on their journey, Adrienne extends words of encouragement to families navigating Type 1 Diabetes: “Your Type ‘One’derful child will inspire and amaze you. This journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Be gentle with yourself and seek moments of peace amidst the highs and lows of this chronic illness.”