Together, for Natalee Bringing Hope and Healing

Posted Sep 08 2024

Imagine hearing the words, “your child has cancer.” 

Each year, 50 families face this unimaginable reality, right here in our community. This September, we open our hearts to share the story of one extraordinary child—Natalee.

In August 2022, the Hoffman family's world was shattered when their joyful six-year-old daughter, Natalee, began facing unthinkable challenges. What started as discomfort in her stomach quickly escalated into deep anxiety when a small, persistent lump appeared on her side.

With fear overwhelming them, the Hoffman's rushed Natalee to the Studer Family Children's Hospital, where a compassionate team sprang into action. The diagnosis—a neuroblastoma tumor on Natalee’s kidney—was a devastating blow that no parent ever wants to hear.

What followed was an emotional whirlwind for the Hoffman family, as they struggled to come to terms with the reality of their daughter’s fight against cancer. Natalee, a vibrant little girl, was now embarking on a grueling journey through childhood cancer. Her treatment plan involved 15 rounds of chemotherapy at the Bear Family Foundation Pediatric Oncology Center for Hope, where she displayed remarkable bravery, inspiring those around her to unite in strength and support.

The family held their breath as they awaited the results of Natalee's surgery to remove the tumor. Each moment felt like an eternity, but when the news came that she was in remission, it felt like a weight had been lifted from their hearts—an extraordinary victory in a challenging battle.

Today, as they reflect on those challenging days, the Hoffman's are filled with immense gratitude for the outpouring of support they received from friends, family, caregivers, and our community of donors.

Natalee, now a little older and even more remarkable, is thriving. Her mother describes her as a whirlwind of strength, creativity, and determination—traits that have only grown stronger through her experience. Natalee’s laughter, once again, fills their home with joy, and her spirit continues to inspire everyone around her.

This September, we invite you to join us in honoring Natalee, and all of our courageous children fighting Childhood Cancer. Your support ensures we provide expert, life-saving care when kids need it most. 100% of your support stays local, delivering the highest level of care to children and families right here at home. 

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